Akuned Inventive Business Solution Limited


Akuned Inventive Business Solutions Limited

About Us

  • Akuned Inventive Business Solutions Limited was created on 9th of May 2011 out of the quest for positive change, quality improvement, creation of added value and application of industrial ‘best practice’. in the recruitment & Supply of Manpower/Crew, immigration &logistics services in the oil and gas and marine sectors.
  • This healthy strive for change informed our inspiration and expedition to find the best ways to serve our clients and present them with better services.
  • We have a group of highly capable and dedicated workforce who have continued in their relentless pursuit for superior performance to ensure that these quests for total improvement and client satisfaction are sustained.
  • Having distinguished ourselves in the delivery of Logistics services in Nigeria, we are poised to seek the expansion of our qualitative services delivery across the continent.

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